βš’οΈ The latest in SEO with SEOFOMO [Apr 7 2024]

The April 7, 2024, SEOFOMO edition
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Learn how to navigate common SEO challenges and scenarios with the new Crawling Mondays SEO Cheat Sheets video series.

πŸ—žοΈ Search Updates and News from Search Engines


​Still No Google Helpful Content Update Recoveries But Yes from Previous Core Update Recoveries
Barry Schwartz / Google Search Updates
Barry shares that while we have still not seen any sites recovering from the September 2023 helpful content update, there have been recoveries from previous core updates.


​Google considers charging for AI-powered search in big change to business model
Madhumita Murgia, Richard Waters / Google Product Updates
Google is considering charging for new β€œpremium” features powered by generative artificial intelligence, in what would be the biggest-ever shake-up of its search business. β€œIt is unclear how exactly the company would seek to integrate AI-powered search into these paid-for services”.

​How Google Search indexes pages [Video]
Google Search Central / How Search Works
Gary covers how processing and analyzing a page’s textual content, key content tags, attributes, images, and video allows Google to determine signals that help decide whether or not a page should be indexed.


​Google’s Crawling Priorities: Insights From Analyst Gary Illyes
Matt G. Southern / Google Search Guidelines
Google is working on crawling fewer pages and reducing data consumption. Improving content quality is vital to ensuring efficient crawling and indexing.


​Microsoft's Fabrice Canel: SEOs Don't Realize Bing Search Usage
Barry Schwartz / Bing Product Q&As
Fabrice shares how Bing usage extends beyond what many SEOs may realize, and why we should consider them when investing our search efforts.


​Google β€˜considering Hubspot acquisition’
Nicola Agius / Google Product Updates
Google is reportedly in discussions with Morgan Stanley regarding a potential offer, but none has yet been made.


πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ This week's Aleyda's SEO Take


Reddit, Quora, and generic, big UGC platforms are not the answer to the accurate first-hand insights that Google needs in SERPs...


Earlier this week, Barry Schwartz reported how Reddit moderators of the SEO channel kept Removing Google Search Liaison's Responses.


Ironically, Reddit is the big winner from Google's latest updates looking to reward helpful content, with Google Search Liaison's Danny Sullivan mentioning how "actual searchers seem to like it. They proactively seek it out" and that "It makes sense for us to be showing it to keep the search results relevant and satisfying".


Coincidentally, Lily Ray also shared a few days ago an insightful article titled "Google Search is Dying" by Dmitri Brereton from a couple of years ago. The TL;DR is:


β€œWhy are people searching Reddit specifically? The short answer is that Google search results are clearly dying. The long answer is that most of the web has become too inauthentic to trust.”


Ok, so Google needs to better integrate (by partnering / buying / etc.) with those platforms providing authentic and accurate information. They’re already trying to do this with Reddit showcasing them more in SERPs as well as partnering with them.

But is this making their results better? No. Reddit is a bad place to refer to for useful information to trust. Because although relatively authentic, those insights can be a hit or miss and can end up being not accurate at all or spammy. I'm not keen to get bronchitis treatment advice from a random β€œu/whateverfakename” from β€œr/vagabond”.


So, sorry, Google but featuring Reddit threads is not helpful at all; even if users proactively seek them out. They likely do it because is the easiest way to access "authentic human advice" (even if it's not accurate for a variety of scenarios).


Google should look for both authentic and accurate real human insights elsewhere, like in specialized, well-moderated, niche forums/communities. Of course, this is easier said than done, among others, due to internet's dark forests.


Showcasing Reddit more though, is the lazy answer that doesn’t actually provide the best, reliable experience that users need.


How did Google end up here though? ​

If we analyze the situation further, the low-quality UGC showcased in Google SERPs at the moment is -among others- the consequence of Google giving up on their efforts on the social network front (remember Google+ and Orkut before that and how they let them die?) and is boomeranging.


Owning a strong social network would have allowed Google to:

  1. Incorporate social signals
  2. Have reliable access to UGC that people are really sharing and looking for at the moment in other platforms (eg. TikTok), while allowing them to filter it better for actual quality results.


Now they need to rely on third parties, showcasing way too many low-quality Reddit and Quora threads for those types of results to only partially fulfill -and doing it badly across many scenarios- what owning their own social network would have allowed them.


The lack of vision from a few years back is now sadly backfiring at the worst time (with the AI front also open).


I really hope Google sees this and reacts accordingly soon.


[Sponsor / Affiliate]​
⚑ New from Wix: SEO resource center

This new addition to Wix’s SEO Learning Hub is packed with free resources, created by top SEOs in the game. The topics they cover range from backlink monitoring to creating SEO project proposals for potential clients, and a whole lot more.

These downloadable checklists, templates, and toolkits let you develop smoother SEO processes and ramp up productivityβ€”on any project.

Each resource can be customized for specific tasks and shared with teammates and clients for more effective collaboration.



πŸ‘Œ This week's SEO Awesomeness


​How β€œDeep Content” Will Protect Your SEO in the AI Era
Joshua Hardwick / Content Optimization
Joshua shares how AI has changed SEO forever (and will continue to do so), but it’s not going to kill it. He explains we just need to adapt. How? By prioritizing β€œdeep content” about topics that can’t be answered quickly or easily.


​13 questions to diagnose and resolve declining organic traffic​
Tory Gray / SEO Monitoring
Is your site's organic traffic taking a nosedive? Use these questions to investigate and fix the issues impacting your SEO performance.


​Why Ranch-Style SEO Is Your Future-Proof Content Strategy
Bernard Huang / Content Optimization
Learn what ranch-style SEO is, why it works, and how to use this perspective-driven content strategy to your advantage with this guide by Bernard.


​Google's SGE Snapshots Replicate Ecommerce Product Pages [Thread]
Aleyda Solis / Ecommerce SEO
Google SGE AI Overviews for specific product queries generate PDP like snapshots with a description, pro's and con's, price ranges and reviews, linking directly to PDPs of top retailers. Another reason to prioritize your PDP optimization.


​How Often Should I Update My Website's Content?
Ryan Jones / Content Optimization
Discover how to keep your website's content fresh and engaging. Learn the importance of a three-month audit cycle, find tools for identifying pages needing updates, and boost your site's SEO success.


​10 SEO A/B tests that delivered over 10% more traffic + a bonus 50% winner
Craig Bradford / SEO Testing
Learn about 10 SEO A/B tests that increased traffic by at least 10% and a bonus example with a 50% lift.


​The Importance of Localization for International SEO [Presentation]
Sara FernΓ‘ndez Carmona / International SEO
Sara shares insights on creating a robust SEO localization plan and explores strategies for adapting to local markets.


​6 reasons why SEO audits seem like a waste and how to fix them
Philipp GΓΆtza / General SEO
SEO audits are only a waste of time if you do them the wrong way. Get more SEO recommendations implemented by solving these six problems.


​Get your business name displayed in different languages on Google Maps
Darren Shaw / Local SEO
Darren shares an improved 5-step process to get your business name displayed in different languages on Google Maps.


​A Web Migration Gone Wrong: Woo.com migrating back to WooCommerce.com
Woo / General SEO
"Moving to Woo.com created challenges for our users to find WooCommerce in Google searches, which were made worse following Google’s March update... We collectively believe that reverting back to WooCommerce.com will deliver the best outcomes for WooCommerce and the wider Woo community."


​Sitebulb's JavaScript SEO Survey
Sitebulb / Technical SEO
Sitebulb is putting together the State of JavaScript SEO Report, which will be shared throughout the community. Answer their survey now.


​​See more SEO Conversations in the SEOFOMO Forum​

⚑ The SEOFOMO Free SEO Auditing Bundle

To thank you for being a loyal SEOFOMO subscriber, I've created a pack of free SEO Auditing Resources for SEOFOMOers, with 8 checklists & templates to facilitate your SEO auditing process (which I'll be expanding), featuring:

  • A Minimum Viable SEO Validation Checklist
  • A Blog's SEO Configuration Checklist
  • Ecommerce Product Page Optimization Checklist
  • Google's Content Quality [E-EAT], Helpfulness and Page Experience Questions
  • SEO Recommendations Prioritization Template in Google Sheets
  • SEO Recommendations Presentation Google Slides Template
  • URLs Changes & Web Migration within the same Domain Minimum Viable SEO Validation Checklist
  • Google SGE Traffic Risk Impact Assessment



PS: I'll be expanding these SEO auditing resources every few months, but if you want me to expand them before then, share this post on LinkedIn and as soon as it reaches 1,000 shares I'll add a couple more checklists. πŸ”₯πŸ™Œ


πŸ›  Free(mium) SEO Tools


​Sparktoro: New Audience Research Tool
A new version of Sparktoro is here, making it easier to discover the websites, blogs, podcasts, social accounts, and publications that reach your audience. Test it for free!


​AI Content Analysis with the Anthropic API in Google Sheets
Richard Baxter
Use this free Google Apps Script to analyze your Website content in Google Sheets.


Looking for more SEO Tools? Take a look at the recently launched SEOFOMO SEO Toolbox​


[Sponsor / Giveaway]​
⚑ New Giveaway: Win a Free Ticket for the Digital Olympus Conference

Do you want to win a free ticket to the Digital Olympus Conference, where I'll have the chance to speak on May 31st, 2024 in the Netherlands? Then this is the SEOFOMO giveaway for you!

You just need to:

  1. Be an SEOFOMO subscriber (which you'll likely be if you're reading this)
  2. Refer at least 1 people to subscribe to SEOFOMO from today April 7, 2024 until April 27, 2024 by using the SEOFOMO referral system that you can find at the bottom of the newsletter, where a unique link to share SEOFOMO is provided for each of you.

On April 28, 2024, I will randomly choose the winner among those who are subscribed and have referred at least 1 subscriber between today April 7, 2024 and April 27, 2024.

I'll announce the winner over here in SEOFOMO, social media, and will get in touch via email with instructions to follow.
​Start referring SEOFOMO and participate now!

PS: If you don't want to wait, you can directly register to attend the Digital Olympus Conference now with a 25% discount by using the "SEOFomo25" code before May 5th, 2014.​


πŸŽ™οΈ Upcoming SEO Events


​Webinar: March 2024 Google Core and Spam Updates - What They Mean for the Future of SEO
Clearscope / Online / April 11, 2024
Learn about the recent developments in SEO, including the March 2024 Google Spam and Core Updates with Barry Schwartz, Ethan Smith, and Aleyda Solis in this webinar. Register now for free.


​Navigating Chrome's 2024 Cookie Policy Changes webinar
Duda / Online / April 18, 2024
Join Andrey Lipattsev from Google, Debbie Reynolds, Helen Rhys and Olesia Korobka for a webinar on Chrome's upcoming changes in cross-site cookie handling.

​See more upcoming SEO events in the new SEOFOMO Hub Events Section!​

πŸ™Œ SEOs and Digital Marketers to Follow

Let's follow these amazing SEOs and Paid search specialists sharing awesomeness:

Expect more awesome SEOs & digital marketers to follow every week. Do you have any suggestions? Just let me know over here!​

πŸ’™ Refer SEOFOMO to your SEO Friends and Win Rewards

If you enjoy reading SEOFOMO, refer it to your SEO and digital marketing friends and win awesome (now updated) prizes with the SEOFOMO rewards program:

* Refer 2 Subscribers: Get a shout-out on X/Twitter and LinkedIn from Aleyda, thanking your support.
* Refer 5 Subscribers: Get featured in the "Supporters" thank you section in an edition of SEOFOMO.
* Refer 15 Subscribers: Get access to 3 Actionable (exclusive) SEO How-Tos / Tips Videos.
* Refer 35 Subscribers: Get a free copy of The SEO Playbook by Tomek Rudzki.
* Refer 70 Subscribers: Get free access to the Google Search Console Mastery Course by Tomek Rudzki
* Refer 100 Subscribers: Get 1 Year Team Subscription to SEOTesting.com
* Refer 200 Subscribers: Get 1 Access to SE Ranking Essential for 1 Year
* Refer 300 Subscribers: Get 1 Access to JetOctopus 500K Pages for 1 Year
* Refer 400 Subscribers: Get 1 Access to Advanced Web Ranking Agency Package for 1 Year
* Refer 500 Subscribers: Get a 1 hour SEO 1-1 Hangout w/ Aleyda, an Awesome SEOFOMO Hoodie and Mug


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PS: You have referred [RH_TOTREF GOES HERE] people so far!

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Note: Only real human referrals will be counted toward the rewards, and there will be a validation if suspicious activity is detected.

Thanks for reading, until next week!

Aleyda Solis, SEO Consultant & Founder
​Follow me on ​X/Twitter​ / ​YouTube​ / ​LinkedIn​ / ​Website​


SEOFOMO: The Newsletter to Keep up with SEO; News, Updates, Resources, Tips, Tools & Jobs

SEOFOMO is a weekly free newsletter sent to +30K subscribers with the latest SEO news, updates, guides, tips, free tools and jobs. Avoid missing any worthy SEO update and subscribe now!

Read more from SEOFOMO: The Newsletter to Keep up with SEO; News, Updates, Resources, Tips, Tools & Jobs

July 21, 2024Subscribe and join +34.2K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by seoClarity and Blue Array's SEO Summer School πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and alerts. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing, digital PR,...

July 14, 2024Subscribe and join +34K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by Wix Studio, SEOFOMO Jobs and WTSFest Philadelphia πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and alerts. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing, digital...

July 7, 2024Subscribe and join +34K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by Conductor, SEOFOMO Jobs and Advanced Web Ranking πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and Whatsapp channel. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing,...