πŸ“Š SEOFOMO's SEO Updates and News [Mar 31 2024]

The March 31, 2024, SEOFOMO edition
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πŸ—žοΈ Search Updates and News from Search Engines


​Google Offers Advice For Those Affected By HCU​
Roger Montti / Google Search Q&A​
How can content creators and website owners diagnose pages that have lost rankings due to the Helpful Content System (HCU)? Google has shared a few resources.


​Google Tests SGE AI Overviews In The Wild (Subset Of US Users)​
Barry Schwartz / Google Search Updates​
Google began testing SGE-based AI overviews in Google search results for users who hadn't opted-in for them, and some have asked about how they can turn them off in Google Search Community Forums.


​Google still has not announced a launch date for SGE​
Barry Schwartz / Google Search Updates​
Some rumors are circulating that Google may launch SGE on May 14, during the Google I/O keynote address while Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai is on stage.


​Google announces personalized Shopping options with New Google experiences​
Sean Scott / Google Search Updates​
Google announced new features for a personalized shopping experience in its search results: Rate styles to discover more of what you like, specify what brands you like, generate images for photorealistic images that match your vision, and a virtual try-on.


​Google shares tools to facilitate users' travel experience​
Emmanuel Marot / Google Search Updates
Google shares six ways their tools can help you prepare for your next trip: Get trip ideas with generative AI in Search, find lists of recommendations in Maps, curate your travel wardrobe with Search, and more.


​Google Explains Why Images Are Gone From Some SERPs​
Roger Montti / Google Search Q&A
Google's John Mueller offers an explanation for why some image thumbnails have disappeared from the search results.


​Deciphering INP and Core Web Vitals
Google Search Central / Search off the Record
In this episode of Search Off the Record, John Mueller and Lizzi Sassman are joined by Rick Viscomi to discuss Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and the latest Interaction to Next Paint (INP) as pieces of the pie for a better user experience.


​OpenAI is making links more prominent when ChatGPT browses the internet
​OpenAI / OpenAI Product Update
OpenAI has announced on X that they are making links more prominent when ChatGPT browses the internet. β€œThis gives more context to its responses and makes it easier for users to discover content from publishers and creators”


πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈ This week's Aleyda's SEO Take

As soon as Google began testing the SGE with users who hadn't opted-in for them, a few started to ask how they could turn them off in Google Search Community Forums (you can do it as described here).

The test with random users now feels rushed and you can't help but wonder if it has to do with the rumors that Google may launch SGE on May 14, during the Google I/O, and need more data and feedback for refinements fast.

This "open" SGE test, along with this week's announcement of new features for a personalized shopping experience, showing Google's continuous interest in establishing itself as an Amazon competitor and not being scared of customizing its commercial related SERPs to directly fulfill users' shopping search journeys, referring visitors once they're ready to convert to the final product, is making me further prioritize with ecommerce clients produce pages optimization.

When I started testing Google's SGE I shared how in ecommerce unlike what happened for many localized and informational queries for which the SGE snapshot provided a duplicative and summarizing experience (that made it useless or not satisfying for users' search needs) the impact for online stores would tend to be bigger, since a high share of products commercial queries attracted by PLPs would be shifted to PDPs.

I expect this to be the case for ecommerce because:

What can an ecommerce do when Google's SGE -if released as it's being tested at the moment- might make PLPs, which are some of their top pages attracting a high share of non-branded organic search traffic unnecessary?

The first obvious step is prioritizing the optimization of your PDPs further since it's the page type where most of these users will be now referred instead of PLPs and the one that will need to compete for inclusion in the product knowledge panels triggered by the SGE vs many other competitors.

So if you're an ecommerce: it's time to take your PDPs to the next level! To help you out, I've created an Ecommerce Product Page Optimization Checklist and an Ecommerce Product Page SEO Validator GPT.

[Sponsor / Affiliate]​
⚑ Did your Rankings Suddenly Drop?

Keep a cool head β€” we've got you.
Go through the steps outlined in this article to quickly diagnose the issue, and roll out a fix!


πŸ‘Œ This week's SEO Awesomeness


​There Is No Spoon: What Does β€˜Do What’s Best For Users’ Even Mean?
Kevin Indig / Search Trends
Chasing algorithms vs. prioritizing user satisfaction – which matters in SEO? Dive into the debate on SEO priorities in this insightful post.


​Google’s Helpful Content Update & Ranking System: What Happened and What Changed in 2024?
Lily Ray, Silvia Gituto / Search Trends
Learn how Google's Helpful Content updates affect site rankings and content quality, impacting diverse categories.


​How To Future-Proof Your Content From Google AI Core Updates
Emilia Gjorgjevska, Valentina Izzo / Content Optimization
Learn about the implications of the Google Core March Update 2024 and uncover strategies for content creators to not only adapt but thrive in this new sector.


​How To Stand Out in an Ocean of AI Content
Ryan Law / Content Optimization
Most content today is arbitrage, simply moving information from one place to another. Ryan explains how we can add unique value to the content beyond AI.


​A Comprehensive On-Page SEO Checklist for 2024
Joshua Hardwick / Content Optimization
Follow this checklist to avoid forgetting about key optimization areas and configurations.


​EEAT in the real world: Let’s talk requirements, effort, and outcome [Video]
Cindy Krum / Content Optimization
Cindy goes through EEAT: what is it, why is it important, and how does it relate to the quality signals.


​E-E-A-T before it was cool (How an Ecommerce Provides Helpful Content) [Presentation]
Linda Hogenes / Content Optimization
Linda goes through all the ways Coolblue has provided the most helpful content experience to potential customers over the years, to inspire you to take your content and overall Web experience to the next level.


​The Future of E-commerce SEO [Presentation]​
Chloe Russell / Ecommerce SEO
Emma goes through consumer trends and intentions for 2024, as well as how you should align your ecommerce SEO to tackle them.


​Mastering Off-Page SEO for long-term success: Strategies that work [Presentation]
Alexandra Tachalova / Link Building
Alex shares core principles and steps to build scalable links today.


​Managing decentralized marketing for international SEO
Heba Said / International SEO
Learn the key differences between a centralized versus decentralized strategy when doing International SEO, the different challenges and criteria to take into account.


​Real-World JavaScript SEO Problems - A Webinar [Video]
Sam Torres, Arnout Hellemans, Aleyda Solis, Patrick Hathaway / Technical SEO
Learn about common JavaScript optimization issues, when to recommend server-side rendering, steps and tools for troubleshooting, and more.


​SEO agency pricing blueprint: Define your pricing and protect your margins
Ray Martinez / SEO Consulting
Learn how to define your SEO agency pricing model to protect your profit margins. Explore strategies, pricing models, and client communication tips with this guide from Ray.


​​See more SEO Conversations in the SEOFOMO Forum​


[Sponsor / Affiliate]​
⚑ Learn How to Master GA4 for Local SEO β€” Absolutely Free!

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is shaking up the analytics world and has left many professionals scratching their heads. If you’re one of them, fear not! You can learn to navigate this new dynamic world with Dana DiTomaso's latest course at BrightLocal Academy: 'Google Analytics 4: Essentials for Local SEO.'

Designed for marketers and SEOs, this course unravels GA4 mysteries through a local SEO lens. The best part? It's free! Don't miss out!


πŸ›  Free(mium) SEO Tools


​A bookmarklet to check any page for Hreflang​
Gerry White
Pull out the Hreflang from any page using this bookmarklet.


​Every AI SEO Tool Mentioned At Pubcon Vegas 2024
Andrew Shotland
AI was the big theme at this year’s Pubcon Vegas conference. Andrew shares the list of all the AI SEO tools mentioned at this year’s event.


Looking for more SEO Tools? Take a look at the recently launched SEOFOMO SEO Toolbox!

πŸŽ™οΈ Upcoming SEO Events


​AI Content Strategy: How to Multiply a Single Idea into Exponential Content Opportunities
SEMpdx / Portland, USA / April 9, 2024
Learn how to maximize your efficiencies in content production by brainstorming with Lauren Teague.


​Search Barcelona: International SEO, SCE, and Social SEO​
Jo Turnbull / Barcelona, Spain / May 10, 2024
The third edition of Search Barcelona is here. Dedicated to international SEO, SGE, and social SEO.


​SEO Estonia 2024
SEO Estonia / Tallinn, Estonia / June 12 - 14, 2024
Join experienced SEOs from all over the world for three days of masterminds and world-class speakers.


​See more upcoming SEO events in the new SEOFOMO Hub Events Section!​


[Sponsor / Affiliate]​
⚑ Attend The SEOMeetup SEO Conference in NYC

It's almost here! Join Top Digital Marketers and SEO Pros for an Exclusive Summit in NYC on April 18 and 19.

Dive deep into expert insights, tailored exclusively for forward-thinking digital professionals. No fluff, just actionable strategies.


πŸ™Œ SEOs & Digital Marketers to Follow

Let's follow these amazing SEOs who have recently started a newsletter I recommend you to subscribe:

Expect more awesome SEOs & digital marketers to follow every week. Do you have any suggestions? Please let me know over X/Twitter, Threads, or LinkedIn.

πŸ’™ Refer SEOFOMO to your SEO Friends and Win Rewards

If you enjoy reading SEOFOMO, refer it to your SEO and digital marketing friends and win awesome (now updated) prizes with the SEOFOMO rewards program:

* Refer 2 Subscribers: Get a shout-out on X/Twitter and LinkedIn from Aleyda, thanking your support.
* Refer 5 Subscribers: Get featured in the "Supporters" thank you section in an edition of SEOFOMO.
* Refer 15 Subscribers: Get access to 3 Actionable (exclusive) SEO How-Tos / Tips Videos.
* Refer 35 Subscribers: Get a free copy of The SEO Playbook by Tomek Rudzki.
* Refer 70 Subscribers: Get free access to the Google Search Console Mastery Course by Tomek Rudzki
* Refer 100 Subscribers: Get 1 Year Team Subscription to SEOTesting.com
* Refer 200 Subscribers: Get 1 Access to SE Ranking Essential for 1 Year
* Refer 300 Subscribers: Get 1 Access to JetOctopus 500K Pages for 1 Year
* Refer 400 Subscribers: Get 1 Access to Advanced Web Ranking Agency Package for 1 Year
* Refer 500 Subscribers: Get a 1 hour SEO 1-1 Hangout w/ Aleyda, an Awesome SEOFOMO Hoodie and Mug


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πŸ‘€ Do you have Feedback?

I'm always looking for feedback to improve SEOFOMO! What would you like to see more or less of in the newsletter?

Just reply to this email and let mw know. If I end up implementing the change you recommend, I'll do a 30-min 1:1 hang-out call with you. Until next week!

Aleyda Solis, SEO Consultant & Founder​
Follow me on X/Twitter / YouTube / LinkedIn / Website​


SEOFOMO: The Newsletter to Keep up with SEO; News, Updates, Resources, Tips, Tools & Jobs

SEOFOMO is a weekly free newsletter sent to +30K subscribers with the latest SEO news, updates, guides, tips, free tools and jobs. Avoid missing any worthy SEO update and subscribe now!

Read more from SEOFOMO: The Newsletter to Keep up with SEO; News, Updates, Resources, Tips, Tools & Jobs

July 21, 2024Subscribe and join +34.2K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by seoClarity and Blue Array's SEO Summer School πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and alerts. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing, digital PR,...

July 14, 2024Subscribe and join +34K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by Wix Studio, SEOFOMO Jobs and WTSFest Philadelphia πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and alerts. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing, digital...

July 7, 2024Subscribe and join +34K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by Conductor, SEOFOMO Jobs and Advanced Web Ranking πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and Whatsapp channel. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing,...