πŸ€– Search Is about to Change! Don't miss it #SEOFOMO πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

Hello, #SEOFOMOer
The February 5, 2023 edition of #SEOFOMO is here πŸ™Œ

πŸ—žοΈ Search Updates & News from Search Engines ​
​Google is reportedly testing an alternate home page with ChatGPT-style Q&A prompts​
​James Vincent / Search Releases​
"Googlers are currently testing an AI chatbot of their own called β€œApprentice Bard” which offers responses to questions posed using natural language just like ChatGPT."
​Google presents: Live from Paris [Video]​
​Google / Search Events​
An announcement of a Google event for February 8 has been made: β€œWe're reimagining how people search for, explore and interact with information, making it more natural and intuitive than ever before to find what you need.” Could this be the announcement of their "Apprentice Bard" chatbot? Let's see. Set the notifications on!
​Is this Microsoft’s ChatGPT-powered Bing?​
​James Vincent / Search Releases​
The Chatbot race is on! Bing users said a β€˜new Bing’ interface just appeared β€” and disappeared. Check it out.

​New Updates to the Search Console Video Indexing Report​
​Google Search Central / Search Releases​
Google Search Console brings a few more updates to the video reports to help you achieve your video optimization goals more effectively, including a video impressions overlay and a Sitemap filter.


​Don't Use Relative Paths In Your Canonicals​
​Gary Illyes / Google SEO Guidelines​
Gary recommends not using relative paths in your canonical tags. Just don't.

​Some *Slight* Changes to Google's Image SEO Best Practices [Thread]​
​Roxana Stingu / Google SEO Guidelines​
Roxana highlights and summarizes a few changes to Google’s Image SEO best practices. Take a look!

​JavaScript Page Performance Problems [Video]​
​Google Search Central / SEO Fairy Tales​
Martin Splitt and Bartosz GΓ³ralewics chat in-depth about solving a web performance issue of a brand-new website with some experimentations on JS and server log analysis.


​Yandex Scrapes Google and other SEO Learnings From The Source Code Leak​
​Mike King / Yandex Search Rankings​
An in-depth, not to be missed, analysis and learnings by Mike from the leaked Yandex code.

​Yandex Local SEO Ranking Factors​
​Andrew Shotland / Yandex Search Rankings​
While everyone is talking about Yandex ranking factors, Andrew niches down to identify and analyze those focused on local SEO.
​The Importance of Setting the "lastmod" Tag in Your Sitemap​
​Bing / Search Releases​
"We are revamping our crawl scheduling stack to better utilize the information provided by the "lastmod" tag in sitemaps... we have already begun implementing these changes on a limited scale and plan to fully roll them out by June."


[Main Sponsor]​
β€‹βš‘ 24/7 Monitoring with ContentKing

Search engines are constantly crawling your site, and you need an SEO platform that can do the same. That’s where 24/7 ContentKing Monitoringβ„’ comes in.
Teams using ContentKing were 3x more likely to say it’s becoming much easier to detect incidents than non-ContentKing users.
​Try Free for 45 Days​

πŸ‘ŒThis week's SEO Awesomeness


​A Creative Approach to Relevance in Link Building​
​Gisele Navarro / Link Building​
Gisele shares creative approaches to add relevance to your link-building campaigns, such as building data sets, selling the problem more than the solution, exploring the same topic, and more.

​The Future of B2B SEO is Audience Development​
​John-Henry Scherck / General SEO​
Stop executing SEO tactics in a silo and pretending that the path to purchase is a simple linear clickstream from SEO article to solutions page, to demo request, to closed-won account. John explains why and how in detail.

​SEO Content Strategy​
​Sara Taher / Content Optimization​
Sara is back with another insightful post where she shares how to create a content strategy that actually moves the needle.
​How do you create content that ranks on Page 1? Include a section about β€œHow we win for this topic” [Thread]​
​Juliet John / Content Optimization​
When creating content briefs and outlines, Juliet loves to include a section she calls β€œHow we win for this topic” where she shares her unique angle after analyzing the SERPS and understanding the topic intent.

​Ran Out Of Content Ideas? How To Find Additional Content Opportunities Using Search Console Data​
​Andy Chadwick / Content Optimization ​
Quickly generate hundreds of additional content ideas that aren’t easily surfaced using traditional keyword research tools by leveraging Google Search Console data.

​Exploring the Baidu Analytics Built-In SEO Tools​
​Owain Lloyd-Williams / International SEO ​
Owain goes through the built-in SEO tools that exist within Baidu and explains how can they be used.
​AI Chat for SEO: How I Actually Use Jasper Chat at Jasper​
​Krista Doyle / SEO Automation​
Krista shares how SEO-related tasks that were previously shared to be done with ChatGPT can be also executed with the Jasper Chat.

​How to Block ChatGPT From Using Your Website Content​
​Roger Montti / Content Optimization ​
ChatGPT gets access to website content from using various data sets. Roger shares how to block your content from becoming AI training data.


​New Semrush Authority Score: A Manipulation-Resistant Metric​
​Eugene Levin / Link Building​
Semrush launched a major update to their Authority Score metric to make it easier to accurately benchmark a site’s popularity: "By weighing organic traffic and spam factors, we’ve given our score the strongest defense against manipulation possible."

​How to Succeed in SEO in 2023 [Free Webinar]​
​Sanity / General SEO​
In this webinar, Kevin Indig, Laura Brady, Lidia Infante, and more will discuss top SEO strategies and tools, the most common e-commerce business struggles, and what you need to succeed in SEO in 2023. Register now!


​WTSFest USA 2023: The Women in Tech SEO Festival is coming to the USA on September 21st 2023​
​Women in Tech SEO / SEO Events​
If you're a woman in SEO in the US you can't miss the Women in Tech SEO Festival to be held on Thursday, September 21st 2023 in Philadelphia. A full day conference with 8 talks by brilliant speakers


β€‹βš‘ How you land massive DR 90+ links by leveraging trending topics ​
In this case study, Fery from Search Intelligence shares how sometimes, the universes align, and the timing can be perfect for an instant hit.
They landed massive DR 90+ links to their client site in just one day (!) after noticing a trend in the news where journalists started writing about a shortage of Sriracha sauce in the world.

Since it was a very passionate barbecue client, they knew this was the perfect opportunity to land some good links by tapping into the extended media coverage of this topic.
What did they do to get these links? Read the case study here.​

πŸ’Έ New Digital Marketing & SEO Jobs

See more digital marketing and SEO jobs at the new #SEOFOMO Job Pallet, curating the best SEO and Digital Marketing Jobs in top companies; whether remote, hybrid, or in-person.
Are you open to a new exciting role? Join the #SEOFOMO Talent Collective, featuring SEOs & Digital Marketers open for job opportunities (with control over what details to share about your profile), to be matched with top companies looking to hire specialists.
​ πŸ›  Free SEO Tool of the Week


​How To Add ChatGPT In Google Sheets And Rewrite Your Meta Data In Bulk​
​Tharindu Gunawardana ​
Tharindu shares the steps to add ChatGPT to your Google Sheets and how to use it to streamline your meta data optimization process.
​GA4 Standard Report Builder​
Use this free tool to create your reports in GA4 using any API dimension or metric, any filter (even Regex), β€” all with a few clicks.


πŸ™Œ The #SEOFOMO's SEO & Digital Marketers to Follow ​
Let's follow these amazing SEOs:

  • Sara Taher (Twitter, LinkedIn), SEO Consultant
  • Zoe Ashbridge (Twitter, Linked), Co-Founder & Senior SEO Strategist at forank
  • Mihir Naik (Twitter, LinkedIn), Senior SEO Manager at Loblaw Digital
  • Logan Bryant (Twitter, LinkedIn), Independent Advisor, B2B SEO & Demand Generation
  • Micah Fisher-Kirshner (Twitter, LinkedIn), VP of SEO & Content at Turn/River Capital
  • Sara Moccand-Sayegh (Twitter, LinkedIn), SEO specialist at Liip, SEOnerdSwitzerland co-host & speaker

Follow. Them. Now. πŸ‘
Expect more awesome digital marketers to follow every week. Do you have any suggestions? Please let me know over Twitter or LinkedIn.
β€‹βš‘ Do you want to increase the visibility of your products using merchant feed?

This is the solution for you if you have a Merchant Feed and want to sell your products on Google!
WordLift has developed a Builder that allows you to create your Product Knowledge Graph by importing products directly from your Merchant Feed.
You can get rich snippets and free listings on Google Shopping with just a few clicks by enriching your product with structured data. The builder can be used with all e-commerce platforms (Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, etc.).
​Discover More​

​ πŸ’‘ Non-SEO focused awesomeness

​Learn Images: An in-depth (Free) course on images for the web​
​web.dev / Web Development​
Learn ways to ensure that your image requests are as small and performant as possible, find out when PNG is the best image format to choose, and more in this free course.
​New AI classifier for indicating AI-written text​
​OpenAI / AI ​
OpenAI is launching a classifier trained to distinguish between AI-written and human-written text.

​Introducing ChatGPT Plus (For US Users)​
​OpenAI / AI ​
ChatGPT Plus is available for US-based users for $20/month with several benefits, including general access to ChatGPT, even during peak times, faster response times, and priority access to new features and improvements.
​Quora is launching Poe: A New AI Platform​
​Quora / AI ​
Poe lets people ask questions, get instant answers, and have back-and-forth conversations with several AI-powered bots. It is initially available on iOS.

​Join the 3rd Annual Paid Search Association Conference (Free & Online)​
​Paid Search Association / Events​
The Third Annual Paid Search Association Conference is happening on February 22nd. Register for free now and learn from the world’s top paid media specialists.
​9 Non-PPC Questions Your PPC Clients Will Ask (& How to Answer Them)​
​Michelle Morgan / PPC​
Here’s a list of nine common questions Michelle is asked as a PPC specialist and the typical answers she gives to them.
​"My podcast has 1.5 million downloads. If I had to start over, here's what I'd do" [Thread]​
​Jay Clouse / Podcasting​
Despite his podcast success, it has also been the hardest platform for Jay to grow. Learn what he would do to facilitate things if he was starting again.

​ πŸ”‹ Giveaway: Free 3 months of Opphive starter plan for 5 Lucky Winners ​
​Opphive is offering free 3 months of their starter plan for 5 #SEOFOMO subscribers, who will be chosen randomly by those who refer the newsletter! Opphive is a link analysis and audit platform that lets you quickly combine link data from multiple sources and very quickly audit them.

A visual audit tool that lets you race through links at up to 1,000 per hour and its LinkRisk score makes understanding the health of the profile super easy. Opphive is the only way to see a complete view of your links The FASTEST way to audit The EASIEST way to see what links you need to build
To participate in the giveaway and have the chance to win one of the 5 Opphive starter plans for 3 months, you just need to...

  1. Be an #SEOFOMO subscriber (which you'll likely be if you're reading this)
  2. Refer at least 2 people to subscribe to #SEOFOMO from today until March 24th, 2023 by using the #SEOFOMO referral system that you can find at the bottom of the newsletter, where a unique link to share #SEOFOMO is provided to each of you, and that will be used to keep track of the subscribers you send.

On March 25th, 2023, I will randomly choose the 5 winners among those who are subscribed to #SEOFOMO and have referred at least 2 subscribers between January 29 2023 and March 24, 2023.

I'll announce the winners over here, on Twitter, LinkedIn and will get in touch via email with instructions to follow.
Please, don't try to cheat by sending fake referrals. I will identify and won't take into consideration not real "human" subscribers. I reserve the right to block those who I find cheating.

Do you have any questions or doubts? Just let me know by replying to this email.
Start referring #SEOFOMO and participate now!


πŸ’ͺ This week's #SEOFOMO Featured Supporters ​
​A huge THANK YOU to loyal #SEOFOMOers referring +5 subscribers​

  • Sergio Simarro, Digital Marketing Advisor, CRO Evangelist

​... You rock πŸ‘β€‹
If you want to be featured here, take a look below at the #SEOFOMO rewards program.

πŸ’™ Refer #SEOFOMO to your Friends & Win Rewards

If you enjoy reading #SEOFOMO, refer it to your SEO and digital marketing friends and win awesome (now updated) rewards with the #SEOFOMO rewards program:

  • Refer 2 Subscribers: Get a shout-out in Twitter from Aleyda, thanking your support
  • Refer 5 Subscribers: Get featured in the "Supporters" thank you section in an edition of #SEOFOMO
  • Refer 15 Subscribers: Get access to 3 Actionable (exclusive) SEO How-Tos / Tips Videos
  • Refer 35 Subscribers: Get a free copy of The Tiny MBA Ebook (my favorite business book)
  • Refer 100 Subscribers: Get a 1 hour SEO 1-1 Hangout with Aleyda, 1 #SEOFOMO Mug and an #SEOFOMO Hoodie
  • Refer 500 Subscribers: Get a 2 hours SEO Q&A with Aleyda and an #SEOFOMO Backpack

​Here's your unique link to share #SEOFOMO: << Test RH_REFLINK >>
​Or share via: Twitter | WhatsApp | LinkedIn | Facebook | Email​
You currently have << Test RH_TOTREF >> referrals! Check more about your referrals here.​
Note: Only real human referrals will be counted to the rewards, and there will be a validation if suspicious activity is detected.
​ πŸ‘€ Do you have Feedback? ​
As usual, if you want to give me any heads up of worthy SEO resources to include next week, you want to be featured, sponsor or any feedback of anything to improve in #SEOFOMO, just reply to this email and let me know. Until next week, keep safe and remember, don't have FOMO, with #SEOFOMO you'll always have SEO awesomeness in your inbox. πŸ‘Œ

Aleyda Solis​
SEO Consultant & Founder
Follow me on Twitter / YouTube / LinkedIn / Facebook / Website

Psssttt... Click here to read #SEOFOMO in your browser.
You can also check out the previous #SEOFOMO's editions here and the #SEOFOMO Website.​

SEOFOMO: The Newsletter to Keep up with SEO; News, Updates, Resources, Tips, Tools & Jobs

SEOFOMO is a weekly free newsletter sent to +30K subscribers with the latest SEO news, updates, guides, tips, free tools and jobs. Avoid missing any worthy SEO update and subscribe now!

Read more from SEOFOMO: The Newsletter to Keep up with SEO; News, Updates, Resources, Tips, Tools & Jobs

July 21, 2024Subscribe and join +34.2K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by seoClarity and Blue Array's SEO Summer School πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and alerts. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing, digital PR,...

July 14, 2024Subscribe and join +34K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by Wix Studio, SEOFOMO Jobs and WTSFest Philadelphia πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and alerts. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing, digital...

July 7, 2024Subscribe and join +34K SEOs and Marketers SEOFOMO is brought by Conductor, SEOFOMO Jobs and Advanced Web Ranking πŸ™ŒWould you like to advertise? Ask here! πŸ’Έ Find your Dream SEO job with The SEOFOMO Board & Alerts Don't miss the latest and best SEO roles hired by companies worldwide featured in the new SEOFOMO job board and Whatsapp channel. πŸ”­ Stay Updated with the Latest in Digital Marketing: Subscribe to MarketingFOMO Get the latest news in PPC, social media, content marketing,...