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    Aleyda Solis

    SEO Consultant, Founder of Orainti, SEOFOMO & MarketingFOMO

    “I send the newsletter I wish to receive as an SEO myself”

    SEOFOMO is carefully curated, written and sent every Sunday by Aleyda Solis, experienced SEO Consultant, Author, Speaker and Founder of Orainti (boutique SEO consultancy), as well as co-founder of

    Aleyda was named" European Search Personality of the Year in 2018", one of the most influential SEO experts of 2022 by USA TODAY'S List Wire, is also the maker of, host of Crawling Mondays Video & Podcast Series and wrapper of MarketingFOMO, a weekly newsletter covering the latest and most useful guides in digital marketing.

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    What's included in SEOFOMO?

    When you subscribe to SEOFOMO you'll receive an email every Sunday featuring:

    • The latest SEO news
    • Useful SEO guides
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    • Free SEO resources
    • Upcoming SEO events
    • Remote SEO jobs
    • SEO specialists to follow
    • SEO giveaways

    SEOFOMO has become one of the most important SEO news sources for +34,000 SEOs who are already subscribed.

    See why by taking a look at the previous editions of SEOFOMO here.

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